
Graders are used for separating seed or grain product into different sizes, our
modular graders are especially suitable for soybeans, sunflower seeds and corn.


Graders are used for separating seed or grain product into different sizes, our
modular graders are especially suitable for soybeans, sunflower seeds and corn


Sortiermaschinen werden zum Trennen von Saatgut oder Getreideprodukten in verschiedene Größen verwendet,
Unsere modularen Sortiermaschinen sind besonders für Sojabohnen, Sonnenblumenkerne und Mais geeignet.


Graders are used for separating seed or grain product into different sizes, our
modular graders are especially suitable for soybeans, sunflower seeds and corn


Graders are used for separating seed or grain product into different sizes, our
modular graders are especially suitable for soybeans, sunflower seeds and corn


GD seed /grain grader - up to 4 grades

GD seed /grain grader - up to 4 grades

GP high capacity seed / grain grader - up to 4 grades

GP high capacity seed / grain grader - up to 4 grades